How much is that dream vacation going to cost?

If you have been following along on the blog, then you will have already taken several steps in planning your dream vacation. First, you selected your location. Next, you bought a couple of travel guides and have read through them, marking the locations that you are interested in going to see. Then, you scoured the internet looking for other blogs and website recommendations on places to go, things to see, and places to eat. By now, you should have compiled a pretty long list of all the things that you might like to do while traveling on that dream vacation. Now comes the big question: How much is it going to cost? This is the part that scares most people when planning an adventure of any size. My view is to over budget and you’ll never be sad to come home with extra funds, upgrade a few items, or be able to splurge on something that you wouldn’t normally spend money on while on vacation. I start by trying to figure out what the big, key items for the trip will be. For instan...